Peace Radio Interim Edition: June 21, 2020

Welcome to Summer! Yesterday was the 2020 Summer Solstice. The Gaia marches on regardless of human triumph or tragedy and all the bits between. I find it comforting. I (Jill W) love the longest day of the year and am actually typing this while the sun is slowly slowly setting. Other things are happening and the other Peace Babes, Sally P and Jill M, have contributed many things as have I and Sherry Dodson sent interesting article links I will work in as well. COVID and the anti-racism movement hold the major headlines and ours as well. The unrest... Black Lives Matter. Please listen to this as you read on: we have a personal report and photos from Arissa Rench, who's mom is occasional Peace Radio guest and generally excellent human, Kathleen Benton. Arissa's photos follow her statement: This will be brief since I just got home. Went to CHOP last night, Juneteenth. So much has changed since my first visit...