Peace Radio Interim Edition: May 24, 2020
So...Memorial Day. Please commemorate wisely and from a distance. Jill W typing this up and trying to link the links Sally sent this link to local legend Jeanne McHale's contribution to covid parody songs! Let's start with in depth bummer news and some history education: Jill M sends this to us from the bowels of South Dakota: In May 2020 the Gaza Freedom Flotilla Coalition is sponsoring a series of webinars to commemorate those killed on the 2010 Gaza Freedom flotilla and the thousands of Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel that have been killed by the Israeli military and the inhumane policies of the Israeli government. This is a 90 minute webinar recorded with social distancing well worth a listen. Free Gaza Movement: Breaking the Israeli Naval Blockade of Gaza--Organizing the first Boats to Gaza May 17, 2020 Two songs from Melissa Etheridge recording at home and sharing du...